• In 2019, in cooperation with the Croatian Red Cross, GNK Dinamo launched the ”Be a true fan – support fair play” campaign
  • Goals: prevention of the use of pyrotechnics, racism, discrimination and hate speech at football matches
  • Promotion of positive behavior and cheering, as well as the fight for equality and diversity
  • Chairty aspect – for each match in which Dinamo is not fined by the competent football authorities (UEFA and CFF), the club allocates a certain amount: HRK 10,000.00 for domestic competition matches and EUR 5,000 for UEFA matches.
  • at the end of the first part of the season, HRK 218,000.00 was allocated, and the amounts were donated to several organizations:

1. Association of St. Vinko Paulski in the Republic of Croatia / Conference of St. Luise de Marillac in Zagreb – care for the homeless and the installation of a heating system in the charity kitchen in Zagreb

2. Center for education and counseling Sunce – program of sports and fair behavior promotion in children with developmental disabilities

3. Maštara Association – a project to promote nonviolence among children through the development of nonviolent communication

4. Zvončići Association for Children with Developmental Disabilities – a program to prevent violence among children and youth with a focus on children with developmental disabilities

5. Croatian Association of the Blind – a project of a children’s camp for tolerance and prevention of violence with a focus on blind and partially sighted children

6. Ozana Association – a program for the acquisition of knowledge and skills outside the regular educational system, and the promotion of equality, solidarity and
social inclusion of disabled people

7. Jesuit Refugee Service in the Republic of Croatia – a children’s play project that promotes tolerance and acceptance of national, gender, racial, ethnic and other differences

  • At the end of the second part of the season, HRK 48,000.00 was allocated, and this amount will be donated to one or more associations in the upcoming period